Director Technology & Investor Relations
Michael Waters is an advanced technology consultant, researcher, inventor and sustainable recovery strategist. He has previously owned businesses in, designed and built: multi-axis robotics, adaptive manufacturing systems, experimental aircraft, custom homes, portable housing systems and advanced research. Michael’s automated disaster recovery and library preservation systems are used worldwide at institutions such as the Library of Congress, the National Archives and the Russian Academy of Sciences, instrumental in recovery of the worst library fire disaster of the last century.
In the last eighteen years Michael has researched cutting edge science, technologies and their potential synergistic impact. This has helped established a large collaborative network of researchers and breakthroughs with potential to revolutionize fields of energy, mining, health, food, water, transportation, housing, sustainable economics and environmental recovery. The purpose of this research has been to discover causes of and solutions for the increasing number of global crises we face. A primary focus has been energy R&D, working with breakthroughs that uncover new understandings in physics. Underlying discoveries help explain why current global business and environmental models are fundamentally unsustainable.
Michael is currently working with a number of organizations involved in advanced energy, mining, agriculture, sustainability and project finance. Michael’s inventions span diverse fields including energy, robotics, fluidics, conservation, aviation and housing.